If you're seeing charges from GEEKER.COM on your bank statement, but don't remember signing up yourself, check if someone else in your household might have access to your card details or if you have a joint account. If not, please contact us by clicking here or call our Customer Support Team: 1-877-215-4628 or 1-646-213-1438. Please include details about the dates and the amounts of the charges. To facilitate the search for your charges, the following information might be useful:
- Your first and last name, as well as any other names on the credit card which was charged.
- Any email addresses you may have signed up with.
- The last four digits of the card being charged (if you have a joint account or multiple cards linked to the same statement, please include the last four digits of those cards as well – please do not send full card numbers).
- The date of the charge on your credit card.